Our Story
About Transicare
Beginning with specialized transportation as an alternative to law enforcement or ambulance-assisted transport, Transicare eventually developed an array of services to target the behavioral health needs of clients transitioning from higher levels of care and forensic settings. Central to all of our services is our commitment to finding creative solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of those we serve.

Mobile Crisis Outpatient Team (MCOT)
Transicare made the tough decision to discontinue Mobile Crisis and Outpatient services, effective 3/1/24. The decision to discontinue our practice has been a difficult one, and it is not made lightly. If you have any questions or require assistance before the closure date, please do not hesitate to contact us at 214.367.6861 or medical@transicare.com.
We genuinely appreciate the trust you have placed in us, and it has been our privilege to serve you. We wish you continued well-being and success in your journey to mental health.
Transicare strives to create specialized transportation services that meets the needs of the individuals and simultaneously provides a safe, cost effective alternative to ambulance or peace officer transportation.

Transicare Highlights
Since its beginning, Transicare has worked to solve gaps in the behavioral health system by using innovative, evidence-based approaches. From the way we train our behavioral health staff to our transformative interventions, Transicare is always searching for and learning ways to improve the way we do things so that consumers benefit. We are proud of our staff and the quality we bring to those we serve.